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Dolt database: first impressions

by | Jan 31, 2025 | Other Databases

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You might know that we maintain a list of Awesome Innovative Databases on GitHub. At the time of this writing, the first item in the list of active projects is curious: Dolt. If English isn’t your mother tongue, you might not know that it is a synonymous for idiot or… git. Someone told me that probably Linus chosen the name git because of its assonance with get and didn’t consider that it is also an insult. But anyway, Dolt’s README states: Dolt is Git for Data!

I have played a bit with it to get an idea of what it can do, how well it works, and when it can be useful. I don’t have all the answers yet: before using it in a project I’d probably need to investigate a bit more. But here you can see the results of my tests and my early thoughts.


For a simple functional test I wanted a basic, standard setup. I used the Docker image, with its default configuration.

A first look at the architecture

Dolt uses the MySQL wire protocol, MySQL query dialect, and some MySQL-like features. You’ll see many similarities, don’t be surprised. A variant called DoltgreSQL exists, based on PostgreSQL wire protocol and dialect. But we won’t discuss it here.

To start dolt we run the dolt binary or service. This is a binary that allows to run all the operations we need. It doesn’t come with any additional tool.

Once started, it uses the following files:

# lsof -p 7
dolt      7 root  cwd       DIR    253,2      4096  4210780 /var/lib/dolt
dolt      7 root  rtd       DIR     0,63      4096  4210768 /
dolt      7 root  txt       REG     0,63 103071352  4210698 /usr/local/bin/dolt
dolt      7 root    0u      CHR      1,3       0t0        5 /dev/null
dolt      7 root    1w     FIFO     0,14       0t0 22734034 pipe
dolt      7 root    2w     FIFO     0,14       0t0 22734035 pipe
dolt      7 root    3u      REG     0,63         0  4210860 /tmp/c0d108e6-b640-4808-a706-3e8581777d9e
dolt      7 root    4u  a_inode     0,15         0      168 [eventpoll]
dolt      7 root    5u  a_inode     0,15         0      168 [eventfd]
dolt      7 root    6u     IPv6 22734313       0t0      TCP *:mysql (LISTEN)
dolt      7 root    7u     IPv4 22734319       0t0      TCP 624ef13dbfdd:54628-> (ESTABLISHED)

You can see a remote connection. It goes to DoltHub, a hub for Dolt database repositories. I couldn’t see any obvious way to disable this connection, but I stopped it with a firewall and Dolt still worked as expected.

I didn’t test DoltHub.

Dolt has some system databases:

  • mysql (only a few tables);
  • information_schema (all tables).

MySQL commands that are used by clients are implemented, including:

  • SET SESSION, SET GLOBAL, SET SESSION, SET, @@global, @@session, @@;
  • schema() and database() funcitons;
  • SHOW commands (though some of them return an empty set).

Most server variables that I tested do nothing. Dolt has its own settings, though.

Most status variables don’t seem to be used. There are exceptions, like the Com_* variables.

This seems to be enough. To test SQL queries, I used the built-in CLI client by starting it with dolt sql. But I also tried the mariadb CLI client and mycli, and they worked allright.

SQL support

Dolthub forked Vitess, and removed most of the code from it. Parts of Vitess are used to parse SQL queries, implement types, and more. Vitess is a MySQL-based distributed DBMS that implements sharding natively. But Dolt doesn’t use it for this purpose.

The execution of parsed SQL queries is implemented as a different project: go-mysql-server, which describes itself as a MySQL-compatible database engine written in pure Go. For each command, there is also a wrapper in Dolt.

Support is missing or problems were found at least for the following syntaxes:

  • MariaDB specific features: the target here seems to be MySQL 8 compatibility;
  • Window functions;
  • WITH clause;
  • LATERAL joins;
  • Multi-table DELETEs;
  • The UNKNOWN keyword;
  • Views are not writable;
  • HELP command.

This list of unsupported, or partly supported SQL features is probably imcomplete.

If you are interested in Dolt but any of these syntaxes is important for you, you may file an issue on GitHub.

Stored procedures, triggers and events are supported.

Details about missing features and bugs

These queries from the MariaDB KnowledgeBase return different results, in terms of row type (which results in a loss of information) and row order:

SELECT name, test, score, AVG(score) OVER (PARTITION BY test) 
  AS average_by_test FROM student;
SELECT name, test, score, AVG(score) OVER (PARTITION BY name) 
  AS average_by_name FROM student;

Queries that result in an infinite loop crash Dolt:

WITH RECURSIVE cte (depth, from_, to_) AS ( 
  SELECT 0,1,1 UNION DISTINCT SELECT depth+1, t1.from_, t1.to_ 
    FROM t1, cte  WHERE t1.from_ = cte.to_ 

This LATERAL join from the MySQL documentation fails saying that the salesperson table doesn’t exist (which is false):

  -- find maximum size and customer at same time
  (SELECT amount, customer_name
    FROM all_sales
    WHERE all_sales.salesperson_id =
    ORDER BY amount DESC LIMIT 1)
  AS max_sale;

Playing with data versioning

Let’s see how to version data with Dolt.

CLI commands and stored procedures

Dolt provides two ways to version data. We can use the dolt binary with arguments that are the same as git parameters. Or we can use Dolt system stored procedures, which accept the same arguments, passed as strings. Actually dolt subcommands are just bridges to call the stored procedures. It is insecure and unpractical for an application to run shell commands in the database server, unless it’s local, so we’re going to use stored procedures instead.

Dolt stored procedures are written in Go, and can be found in the go/libraries/doltcore/sqle/dprocedures directory. Go stored procedures are supported by go-mysql-server. It should be possible to easily add more Go procedures.

Basic git-like operations

Data is not versioned by default. To start versioning data, the first thing to do is to create a branch. Note that a branch exists inside a database.

When a database is created, it contains a branch called main. Let’s create a database, and see the automatically created branch:

USE sales;

> SELECT * FROM dolt_branches \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                  name: main
                  hash: h720ftbdefm9elt8acr54qjkafmi75i3
      latest_committer: Dolt System Account
latest_committer_email: do******@do*****.com
    latest_commit_date: 2024-12-26 21:17:50
 latest_commit_message: Initialize data repository

Now let’s create some data, let’s add it to the staging area, and commit:

    name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL

INSERT INTO seller (id, name) VALUES
      (1, 'John Smith')
    , (2, 'Hellen McColl')
    , (3, 'May Carson')

    date DATE NOT NULL,

INSERT INTO sale (seller_id, date, amount) VALUES
      (1, '2024-06-01', 50)
    , (1, '2024-06-02', 50)
    , (2, '2024-06-01', 100)
    , (2, '2024-06-02', 100)
    , (2, '2024-06-02', 200)
    , (3, '2024-06-01', 75)
    , (3, '2024-06-02', 100)
    , (3, '2024-06-02', 100)

> CALL dolt_add('-A');
| status |
|      0 |

> CALL DOLT_COMMIT('-m', 'Initial data');
| hash                             |
| 69gje0coiqvg9rfr197e5usmk3nvfmcc |

Let’s also see some stats (number of sales and amount earned by seller and date):

        COUNT(*) AS count, SUM(amount) AS total_amount
    FROM seller
    LEFT JOIN sale
        ON = sale.seller_id
    ORDER BY seller_id, date
| name          | date       | count | total_amount |
| John Smith    | 2024-06-01 |     1 |           50 |
| John Smith    | 2024-06-02 |     1 |           50 |
| Hellen McColl | 2024-06-01 |     1 |          100 |
| Hellen McColl | 2024-06-02 |     2 |          300 |
| May Carson    | 2024-06-01 |     1 |           75 |
| May Carson    | 2024-06-02 |     2 |          200 |

Now let’s delete one of the sellers. We’ll have to stage the changes again, then we can commit.

DELETE FROM seller WHERE id = 1;
DELETE FROM sale WHERE seller_id = 1;

> CALL dolt_add('-A');
| status |
|      0 |

> CALL dolt_commit('-m', 'Remove John Smith');
| hash                             |
| j9rmqfdoi50dplc6r6c5rinsmbkmd13g |

Let’s see the commits:

> SELECT * FROM dolt_commits ORDER BY date;
| commit_hash                      | committer           | email                | date                | message                    |
| h720ftbdefm9elt8acr54qjkafmi75i3 | Dolt System Account | do******@do*****.com | 2024-12-26 21:17:50 | Initialize data repository |
| 69gje0coiqvg9rfr197e5usmk3nvfmcc | rt                  | rt@%                 | 2024-12-26 21:20:44 | Initial data               |
| j9rmqfdoi50dplc6r6c5rinsmbkmd13g | rt                  | rt@%                 | 2024-12-26 21:25:56 | Remove John Smith          |

The first commit was made automatically when we created the database, so the committer is Dolt System Account. Later commits were made by rt, which is the account I used to login. I haven’t configured an email because I don’t intend to use DoltHub, so the committer’s email was set automatically.

Let’s see how stats have changed after our last commit:

        COUNT(*) AS count, SUM(amount) AS total_amount
    FROM seller
    LEFT JOIN sale
        ON = sale.seller_id
    ORDER BY seller_id, date
| name          | date       | count | total_amount |
| Hellen McColl | 2024-06-01 |     1 |          100 |
| Hellen McColl | 2024-06-02 |     2 |          300 |
| May Carson    | 2024-06-01 |     1 |           75 |
| May Carson    | 2024-06-02 |     2 |          200 |

Then we can check how data changed in the seller table:

> SELECT * FROM dolt_history_seller;
| id | name          | commit_hash                      | committer | commit_date         |
|  2 | Hellen McColl | j9rmqfdoi50dplc6r6c5rinsmbkmd13g | rt        | 2024-12-26 21:25:56 |
|  3 | May Carson    | j9rmqfdoi50dplc6r6c5rinsmbkmd13g | rt        | 2024-12-26 21:25:56 |
|  1 | John Smith    | 69gje0coiqvg9rfr197e5usmk3nvfmcc | rt        | 2024-12-26 21:20:44 |
|  2 | Hellen McColl | 69gje0coiqvg9rfr197e5usmk3nvfmcc | rt        | 2024-12-26 21:20:44 |
|  3 | May Carson    | 69gje0coiqvg9rfr197e5usmk3nvfmcc | rt        | 2024-12-26 21:20:44 |

We can run various queries to see how data evolved between two commits.

To find deleted rows:

-- deleted rows
SELECT old.*
    FROM (
        SELECT *
            FROM dolt_history_seller
            WHERE commit_hash = '69gje0coiqvg9rfr197e5usmk3nvfmcc'
    ) old
        SELECT *
            FROM dolt_history_seller
            WHERE commit_hash = 'j9rmqfdoi50dplc6r6c5rinsmbkmd13g'
    ) new
        ON =
| id | name       | commit_hash                      | committer | commit_date         |
|  1 | John Smith | 69gje0coiqvg9rfr197e5usmk3nvfmcc | rt        | 2024-12-26 21:20:44 |

Get the number of rows per commit, and the number of added/deleted rows compared to the previous commit:

        commit_id, row_count,
        row_count - LAG (row_count, 1) OVER (ORDER BY commit_id) AS count_delta
    FROM (
                CONCAT(commit_date, '.', commit_hash) AS commit_id,
                COUNT(*) AS row_count
            FROM dolt_history_seller
            GROUP BY commit_id
            ORDER BY commit_id
    ) v
| commit_id                                                | row_count | count_delta |
| 2024-12-26 21:20:44.499.69gje0coiqvg9rfr197e5usmk3nvfmcc |         3 |        NULL |
| 2024-12-26 21:25:56.011.j9rmqfdoi50dplc6r6c5rinsmbkmd13g |         2 |          -1 |

Recovering data

Soft and hard DROP DATABASE

With DROP DATABASE, we perform a database safe drop:


But if we made at least one commit, we can still recover the database and all its data:

> CALL dolt_undrop('sales');
| status |
|      0 |

| Tables_in_sales |
| sale            |
| seller          |

If we want to hard-drop a database, we can do it in this way:

CALL dolt_purge_dropped_databases(); 

Reverting a commit

We can revert the last commit, or a certain number of most recent commits, with dolt_revert():

> SELECT * FROM dolt_commits ORDER BY date;
| commit_hash                      | committer           | email                | date                | message                    |
| jcg4ugb85u5nkn2fel3qalq4b3a4c7b5 | Dolt System Account | do******@do*****.com | 2024-12-28 04:09:04 | Initialize data repository |
| nobdoc5ifbo1gb1ssn9olcmlehc4abl5 | rt                  | rt@%                 | 2024-12-28 04:09:39 | Initial data               |
| t4ihnlgv7cgsmpc39vg7hf4u311fss5r | rt                  | rt@%                 | 2024-12-28 04:11:16 | Remove John Smith          |
| 0k0mhk21mljgbn5iqu2t374tkgvjo7kk | rt                  | rt@%                 | 2024-12-28 04:12:28 | Remove Hellen              |

> CALL dolt_revert('HEAD~1');
| status |
|      0 |

> SELECT * FROM dolt_commits ORDER BY date;
| commit_hash                      | committer           | email                | date                | message                    |
| jcg4ugb85u5nkn2fel3qalq4b3a4c7b5 | Dolt System Account | do******@do*****.com | 2024-12-28 04:09:04 | Initialize data repository |
| nobdoc5ifbo1gb1ssn9olcmlehc4abl5 | rt                  | rt@%                 | 2024-12-28 04:09:39 | Initial data               |
| t4ihnlgv7cgsmpc39vg7hf4u311fss5r | rt                  | rt@%                 | 2024-12-28 04:11:16 | Remove John Smith          |
| 0k0mhk21mljgbn5iqu2t374tkgvjo7kk | rt                  | rt@%                 | 2024-12-28 04:12:28 | Remove Hellen              |
| n003l5u55bge2q3eap5u9gfgsim7nmaf | rt                  | rt@%                 | 2024-12-28 04:16:12 | Revert "Remove John Smith" |

Similarly to git, to revert two commits specify HEAD~2.

Undo uncommitted changes

We can undo uncommitted changes (reset to the last commit) with dolt_reset():

> SELECT * FROM seller;
| id | name       |
|  1 | John Smith |

> CALL dolt_reset('--hard');
| status |
|      0 |

> SELECT * FROM seller;
| id | name       |
|  1 | John Smith |
|  3 | May Carson |

Importing and exporting data

It is unlikely that someone uses Dolt as their main or only database. It is more likely for a company to use MariaDB or MySQL for persistence, and move data to Dolt to analyse how data change over time, make predictions about the future, and even make hypothesis-based prediction. Predicted data, or data subject to hypothesis, can also be moved back to MariaDB or MySQL to be able to analyse it using more advanced SQL. Let’s see how we can exchange data between MariaDB/MySQL and Dolt.

Importing a MariaDB dump

I created the above data into MariaDB. Then I tried to import data from MariaDB to Dolt in this way:

mariadb -hdolt -urt --skip-ssl | mariadb-dump -pproot --databases sales --single-transaction

For some reason, the above command hangs instead of reporting an error. When I tried to use a file instead of piping mariadb-dump into mariadb, I got this error:

ERROR 1105 (HY000) at line 23: Unknown collation: utf8mb4_uca1400_ai_ci

This is the default collation in MariaDB, but Dolt doesn’t support it. So, I need to change the default collation to utf8mb3_unicode_ci and make sure that the character set is utf8mb4:

mariadb-dump -pproot --databases sales --single-transaction | \
    sed -e 's/utf8mb4_uca1400_ai_ci/utf8mb3_unicode_ci/g' | \
    sed -e 's/utf8mb3/utf8mb4/g' | \
    mariadb -hdolt -urt --skip-ssl

--skip-ssl isn’t necessary if you configured Dolt to use SSL, but I didn’t do so.

Now let’s verify that the tables were successfully recreated in Dolt:

# mariadb -hdolt -urt --skip-ssl -e "SHOW TABLES FROM sales;" -ss

It worked!


Dolt states it supports replication between Dolt servers, as well as using MySQL or MariaDB as a master, or as a replica. However, my attempts to use MariaDB 11.4 or MySQL 8.4 as a master failed. In the case of MariaDB, I got a received unknown event error, probably because Dolt doesn’t understand MariaDB GTID format. In the case of MySQL, the value of Replica_IO_Running was stuck to Connecting, even if I was able to connect MySQL via the client using replication credentials.

It’s possible that, if I dedicated more time to this, I would have been able to solve the problems. So the fact that I failed doesn’t mean that replication from MySQL/MariaDB to Dolt is impossible. Just be aware that it might not be as straightforward as the documentation seems to suggest.


MariaDB CONNECT is a storage engine that allows to connect to remote data sources and read or write to them as if they were local tables. Examples of remote data sources include remote databases using ODBC or JDBC, as well as data files in many formats. See our articles about CONNECT.

For every supported data source, CONNECT has a table type. In our case, we’ll use the MySQL table type to connect to Dolt.

First, let’s connect to Dolt and create a use to allow CONNECT to query the sales database:

CREATE USER 'mariadb'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'DoggyDogWorld';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sales.* TO 'mariadb'@'%';

Here I saved you from a problem I encountered. The good practice would be to only grant the SELECT and SHOW VIEW privileges, the latter being necessary for the discovery of a view (more on this in a moment). Unfortunately, with these permissions Dolt returns an error. At least another permission is necessary in Dolt but, to save time for this simple test, I just granted the user all privileges.

Now let’s go back to MariaDB and create a CONNECT table:

CREATE DATABASE sales_bridge;
USE sales_bridge;

This works for the simplest cases, where we only want to read from the main branch. The CONNECTION option provides an URL for the view that we want to link to our CONNECT table. In most cases, we don’t need to specify the table columns: CONNECT will discover columns automatically. Specifying columns is only necessary where autodiscovery fails, when the column types are not optimal, or when we want to exclude some columns.

Let’s test our query:

> SELECT * FROM sales_by_date;
| date       | count | total_amount |
| 2024-06-01 |     3 |          225 |
| 2024-06-02 |     5 |          550 |

It works! As anticipated, this query reads data from the main branch.

But what if we want to create two tables, for different branches? In theory, all we have to do is to specify the database in the form database/branch, for example sales/delete-smith. But / is a special character, and I couldn’t find a way to escape it. I also tried an older CONNECT syntax, which consists in passing the database credentials to option_list, but the character still needed to be escaped, and I couldn’t do it. The solution I’ve found is to use SRCDEF to pass a query, rather than just a table name. More precisely, I’m passing to it two queries: the USE query to choose the default database and branch, and a SELECT query to read the view data.

CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE sales_by_date__main
    SRCDEF='SELECT * FROM `sales/main`.sales_by_date'
> SELECT * FROM sales_by_date__main;
| date       | count | total_amount |
| 2024-06-01 |     3 |          225 |
| 2024-06-02 |     5 |          550 |
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE sales_by_date__delete_smith
    SRCDEF='SELECT * FROM `sales/delete-smith`.sales_by_date'
> SELECT * FROM sales_by_date__delete_smith;
| date       | count | total_amount |
| 2024-06-01 |     2 |          175 |
| 2024-06-02 |     4 |          500 |

Here you can see how to use Dolt in practice for hypothesis testing:

  • We have some base data in the main branch;
  • We have a view called sales_by_date, and potentially other views, showing some statistics we are interested in;
  • We have a delete-smith branch, where one of the sellers was deleted, as well as the sales he closed;
  • By switching between these two branches and querying sales_by_date, we can see how the removal of a seller affected sales.
  • CONNECT allows us to create a table for each branch, and join sales_by_date to other tables or views, using more advanced features and a more advanced SQL dialect.

MySQL does not support CONNECT. However, both MySQL and MariaDB support the FEDERATED engine. FEDERATED connects to remote MySQL tables and should be able to connect to Dolt tables.


In this article, we moved some first steps with Dolt. We learnt how to run basic operations, like creating branches and committing data changes. We couldn’t setup replication, but we imported data from a dump, and we were able to make MariaDB and Dolt “talk” to each other using CONNECT. The last part shows an interesting example on how to use MariaDB for data persistent, Dolt for hypothesis creation, and finally query Dolt data from MariaDB, taking advantage of its richer SQL support.

If there is interest, we can move forward and investigate more specific aspects:

  • DoltgreSQL a Dolt variant that connects to PostgreSQL, instead of MySQL and MariaDB;
  • Put together a library of queries to examine how data changes over time;
  • How to create vector indexes in MariaDB from hypothesis that are stored in Dolt;
  • How to use MindsDB to connect Dolt and run predictions based on hypothesis.

Let me remind you that we cover a variety of different databases, and are experts in fields like data integration. If you’re interested in understanding if Dolt fits your use case and can help you run complex analysis in a simple way, please contact us for a consultation.

Federico Razzoli

All content in this blog is distributed under the CreativeCommons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. You can use it for your needs and even modify it, but please refer to Vettabase and the author of the original post. Read more about the terms and conditions:

About Federico Razzoli
Federico Razzoli is a database professional, with a preference for open source databases, who has been working with DBMSs since year 2000. In the past 20+ years, he served in a number of companies as a DBA, Database Engineer, Database Consultant and Software Developer. In 2016, Federico summarized his extensive experience with MariaDB in the “Mastering MariaDB” book published by Packt. Being an experienced database events speaker, Federico speaks at professional conferences and meetups and conducts database trainings. He is also a supporter and advocate of open source software. As the Director of Vettabase, Federico does business worldwide but prefers to do it from Scotland where he lives.

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