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Database Automation for Cassandra

Automate Cassandra deployment and configuration with the Vettabase team of experts

Quick Intro to Cassandra Automation

We can help your team launch new Cassandra nodes with the pre-defined configurations in minutes, ensuring fast node restore where needed. It’s just one of the many tasks that can be automated in your Cassandra cluster. Let us know what to assist with, and we’ll make it more manageable for your team by applying reasonable automations.

How Database Automation Will Benefit You

Building a powerful automation for your infrastructure means that you don't waste your time on routine tasks anymore and don't put your data at risk working manually long hours. Automated operations mean that you can trust your infrastructure.

Reliable automation from experts

Vettabase professionals knowing the database internals and top automation tools will offer you stable & elegant automations.

Server & operations testing

Understand what will work and what will not thanks to automation: all your automated operations are easy to test.

Lower costs for operations

Proper automation turns hours of work into minutes and offloads your team reducing the number of repetitive & frustrating tasks.

Less downtime

If your backup and restore procedures are pre-planned and automated, you get your node or cluster up almost instantly.

No human mistakes

With automation in place, you eliminate database anomalies that often result in IT problems and losses for your business.

Easier configurations

By leveraging a configuration management system, you can clone your optimal database configurations in no time.

Database Automation Tools:
Ansible and more

We prefer to use Ansible for all our database and ecosystem automations. It is an open source tool that proved to work well even in the most complicated installations.

We also have experience with Puppet and Chef, but these are commercial tools depending on their corresponding companies.

How We Build and Apply Database Automations


Meet with your team

To understand your needs, it's necessary to meet at least once to define the scope of work.


Create and approve the plan

Before we start doing anything, we'll present to you a clear automation plan and get your consent.


Build automation for you

We will apply the database industry best practices and strive to comply with the standards.


Setup a test environment

Before any automation goes to production, you'll be able to play with it and see how it works.


Conduct training (optional)

To make sure that your DBAs can leverage the new automation, you may want to get your staff trained.


Automation goes to production!

Your team can focus on its primary tasks and goals, without hours of unnecessary work!

How We Charge You for Database Automation

Our goal is to make routine work much easier for your particular database team. This means that we'll create tailored solutions for your operations and your infrastructure based on the conversations we had with you. So the cost of such a project depends on how complicated your database infrastructure is and what you do with it, but we'll provide you with a quotation after a free consultation.

We recommend you to focus on both current issues and desired outcomes so you could achieve what you want thanks to the solutions we'll build for you. We'll keep our automations clear, elegant and easy to understand for everyone on your team. Just describe your project and ask for a quote!

Security Standards

We understand that you trust us your database and the data inside it. This is why we will follow the industry's highest security standards to protect the integral part of your business.

  • No password will ever be transferred via unsafe communication channels.
  • A Non-Disclosure Agreement will be signed upon your first request.
  • SSH connection and key-based authentication will be employed by our experts when connecting to your database.
  • A Virtual Private Network (VPN) or jumphosts will be used by our team connecting to your database if you find it reasonable.

For full information on what else we do to ensure your database security, read our Consultancy Policy.

Client Testimonials

Take a look at the testimonials provided by Vettabase customers and partners – many of them are key people of the open source database community. If you want to add your reference, please contact us.

Marco Visibelli

At Currencies Direct, Federico Razzoli reviewed our Cassandra infrastructure, providing us with precious recommendations on how to improve its configuration and our data models. His consulting clarified the intricacies of a distributed database and the Java Virtual Machine, and allowed us to take advantage of the peculiarities of Cassandra.
I would recommend Federico to other companies to handle their database problems.

Marco Visibelli
Lead Data Scientist at Currencies Direct

Get Started With Vettabase Today

Professional help for your database infrastructure is just one click away! Use our contact form to explain your recent and (or) critical database issues to us. Your message will remain strictly confidential to the Vettabase team. Our experts will respond to you as soon as possible. You can also book a meeting with Federico Razzoli, the Director and Founder of Vettabase Ltd.

We at Vettabase respect our customers and offer good value for money compared to many other database consulting companies. We automate things where others leave them as they are because it means more support incidents or consulting engagements. Unlike many other companies, we will not recommend you a solution we are interested in. Quite the opposite, we will remain unbiased and use the best tools and technologies that fit your existing infrastructure, plans for growth and budget.