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Coming up next, a ColumnStore webinar

by | Mar 20, 2024 | MariaDB, ColumnStore

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The 27th is fast approaching but you can still signup to our live webinar where we will be exploring the benefits of time series data using MariaDB ColumnStore.

We will be jumping into a live demo with some example data and queries simulating high volume time series workloads, and even a quick example of how ColumnStore fairs in the 1 billion row challenge.
We will create some tables to help you get familiar with the ColumnStore engine, then start loading data using techniques you may already be familiar with like LOAD DATA INFILE, while introducing cpimport and the advantages between them.

Once we have a schema loaded with data, we can begin querying the data to really show how ColumnStore shines with aggregate query performance. You will never want to create a data warehouse cube again!

Should you wish to get started yourself today with MariaDB ColumnStore; here at Vettabase we have begun our own mission to better understand and support ColumnStore. You may have read my previous post, where I detailed our initial efforts in creating updated Vagrant and Docker images for easy deployments using the community releases.
As well as our MariaDB ColumnStore Unofficial Documentation Project, which we also hope to open soon for contributions.
Signup for the webinar here,

See you in a few days,

Richard Bensley

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About Richard Bensley
Richard Bensley is a Database Consultant at Vettabase Ltd. Prior to his current role, he worked at a number of companies as a DBA, Database Architect, Software Engineer and Developer with long running history of scaling and monitoring databases. Richard's past service record also includes 5+ years at MariaDB Corporation.

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