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Database Analysts


Utilise our training to help you excel as a database analyst

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Quick Intro to Data Analysts Training

Data Analysts need to query databases, and they need to do it professionally – that’s exactly what we teach them to do. Knowing the basics will help an analyst to mitigate database-related risks, that’s why we explain to them what’s inside the “black box” of a database and help them to leverage the internals efficiently.


How Analyst Database Training Can Help

The Vettabase team offers you highly concentrated knowledge from reliable sources.  Our advice is always proven by practice in real production environments.  Our training saves your team a lot of time and effort because you don’t need to re-invent the wheel, or find solutions by trial and error, or rely on what you googled on a random website.  You get database best practices and apply them, as simple as that.

Equal knowledge across the team

Vettabase training is the easiest and fastest way to even the level of expertise that everyone on your team posesses.

Customised training for your needs

Get a tailored database training solution covering all your current and future pain points.  We’ll develop one specifically for you!

Working solutions and approches

Speed up with the database of your choice thanks to the pre-tested and reliable solutions and approaches found by us.

Separate training for specific roles

We at Vettabase teach databases to DBAs and Database Developers differently.  Our trainings are adjust ed to the core tasks of a particular role.

Ready-made training for your staff

Start learning fast leveraging one of our ready-made database trainings available as a fixed price.  Let us know, and we’ll train your team!

Post-training support

To ensure that you can make gaining new database knowledge a daily practice, we provide support and advice after you get trained.


We offer our Analyst Training to data professionals doing research on large data volumes. Having relevant database skills will help you get your findings fast, writing the right queries will enable you to never have your database down.

Available Ready-made Trainings


Title Duration Audience Cost (GBP)
PostgresSQL for Analysts 2 days

Data Analysts

Amazon Redshift for Analysts 2 days Data Analysts 2,800
Snowflake for Analysists 2 days Data Analysts 2,800

Note. The costs above apply to non-customised team trainings.

Our Analyst  Training Pricing

We sell our standard ready-made, two-day training at 2,800 GBP.  This means that we will offer your team the content we already have at hand with some reasonable updates as the database world changes.  You can request a customised training from us, and we will agree on the price based on the number of the missing modules that we prepare specifically for your team.

Custom Training

If our standard trainings don’t suffice, please let us know about your needs, and we will expand our training accordingly. Please note that developing new training materials requires some time and is more expensive compared to our ready-made trainings.

Client Testimonials

We are proud of our client testimonials, and below is the testimonial of a valued training client.

You can view all of our testimonials here.

Marco Visibelli

At Currencies Direct, Federico Razzoli reviewed our Cassandra infrastructure, providing us with precious recommendations on how to improve its configuration and our data models. His consulting clarified the intricacies of a distributed database and the Java Virtual Machine, and allowed us to take advantage of the peculiarities of Cassandra.
I would recommend Federico to other companies to handle their database problems.

Marco Visibelli
Lead Data Scientist at Currencies Direct

Get Started With Vettabase Today

Professional help for your database infrastructure is just one click away! Use our contact form to explain your recent and (or) critical database issues to us. Your message will remain strictly confidential to the Vettabase team. Our experts will respond to you as soon as possible. You can also book a meeting with Federico Razzoli, the Director and Founder of Vettabase Ltd.

We at Vettabase respect our customers and offer good value for money compared to many other database consulting companies. We automate things where others leave them as they are because it means more support incidents or consulting engagements. Unlike many other companies, we will not recommend you a solution we are interested in. Quite the opposite, we will remain unbiased and use the best tools and technologies that fit your existing infrastructure, plans for growth and budget.