Having many indexes in our databases comes with a cost. It is good to periodically eliminate duplicate and unused indexes.
MariaDB/MySQL replication filters may be useful, but they come with some risks that Database Administrators should be aware of.
An oversized InnoDB buffer pool will consume too many resources and can be slower than necessary. Let's see how to check if we can shrink it.
InnoDB buffer pool is the most important memory area to allocate. It contains the most frequently read data and index entries from InnoDB tables. Let's see how to check if it is big enough.
It is quite common to use an equality condition and an IS NULL condition on the same columns. Unfortunately, this could make queries very slow.
AUTO_INCREMENT primary keys are useful, because they save usthe trouble to generate a unique value for every row, delegating this task to the database. But when we reach the limit we need to take some action, or we won’t be able to insert more rows.
Reducing the number of queries is important with any DBMS. There are two reasons for this: reducing the latency of applications; and reducing the workload for the database servers.
MySQL 8.0 and 5.7 follow a new release policy that exposes users to important risks. They broke compatibility with Xtrabackup (again).